Russia Attacks Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster Zone As Fears for Radiation Levels Surging Rise

Russian forces have attacked the containment shell that protects the radioactive reactor at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant causing a major amount of damage, Ukraine shared on Friday morning.

The protective covering was put around Reactor 4 in the year 2016 and it has now sustained a major hole from the Russian drone that came in its direction.

Source: New York Post

The Russian attack was said to be carried out by a highly explosive warhead that struck the shelter protecting the world from radiation as the destroyed fourth power unit for the Chornobyl Nuclear Power Plant, the Ukraine President shared.

Ukraine has slammed Russia for the incident at the big nuclear power plant. They blasted the nation for thinking it was okay to target sensitive areas in the country for no reason, only for the sake of terrorism.

Source: New York Post

Reactor 4 suffered a major power surge that resulted in a series of steam explosions and then a complete meltdown in 1986. This is why such incidents are said to be awful as they can pollute the environment with high radiation levels.

Source: New York Post

The latest statement shared by Ukraine was that the radiation levels are in controlled limits at the moment but fear is running high for more possible attacks.